Tri-Chapter Council Conceptual Regional Plan
Tribe: Navajo
Tribal Contact: Tri-Chapter Council
Project Type: Conceptual master planning
Location: Ojo Encino, NM
UNM Contact:Michaela Shirley
UNM Faculty:Ted Jojola and Brandon Velivis

Project Summary:
The iTown Capstone Studio will examine the ways to achieve planning's social, environmental, and economic goals through the comprehensive or master planning process. The studio will engage students in critical analytical processes necessary for investigating the social, economic, and spatial relationships that challenge communities. The studio will apply planning Indigenous planning principles, methods, and processes of analysis to develop alternative scenarios toward solving community's social, environmental, and economic objectives in a culturally relevant and sustainable manner. The community-based case study presented in the studio project is designed to confront a variety of issues. Students will investigate, discuss and design methods for examining the physical, social, and economic information necessary in the formulation and evaluation of planning alternatives.