Red Lake Navajo Forest Products Industries Conceptual Brownfield Redevelopment Plan
Tribe: Navajo
Tribal Contact: Red Lake Chapter House
Project Type: Indigenous landscape architecture
Location: Red Lake/Navajo, NM
UNM Contact:Michaela Shirley
UNM Faculty:Catherine Page Harris

Project Summary:
The iD+Pi was approached by Prestene Garnenez, who at the time worked with the Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments (NWNMCOG), about collaborating on a community project in her home of Red Lake in Fall 2014. A year later in the Fall of 2015, the iD+Pi was blessed with the opportunity to facilitate a joint studio at Red Lake between University of Manitoba’s Landscape Architecture program and University of New Mexico’s Landscape Architecture program. The iD+Pi assisted both studio instructors to coordinate project and community meetings, offered guidance and feedback of student work, and offered to assemble this electronic report.