Kinlichee Educational-Community Development Study
Tribe: Navajo
Tribal Contact: n/a
Project Type: Master's thesis
Location: Kin Dah Lichii, AZ
UNM Contact:Michaela Shirley
UNM Faculty:Ted Jojola
Students:Michaela Shirley

Project Summary:
Shirley argues that the school was an asset for Kin Dah Lichii’s historic and present-day community development. The Asset-Based Community Development, Indigenous planning, and Landscape perspectives are used to analyze the role of a school in the community development of Navajo Nation and Kin Dah Lichii. The data collection entailed two phases: (1) archival research and (2) community interviews. The insight gained from the archival research is that schools did play significant roles in community development of the Navajo Nation. It provides a meta-narrative to help substantiate claims of the school’s role in Kin Dah Lichii’s community development.