Culture and Water in the Four Corners Area
Tribe: Culture and Water in the Four Corners Area
Tribal Contact: Geraldine Forbes
Project Type: Working Retreat
Location: Four Corners/Seboyeta, NM
UNM Contact:
UNM Faculty:

Project Summary:
For this project, experts were assembled as an Innovation Working Group (IWG). The objective of this three- day meeting is to share information and develop a plan to investigate, map, analyze, and synthesize longitudinal data about the water and energy resources of New Mexico's San Juan River Basin, and the associated effects on local—particularly indigenous—cultures. In examining the layered relationships of this triad of water, energy, and culture through the lens of planning and design, the IWG is identifying opportunities for joint research aimed at advancing knowledge about settlement patterns, hydrologic and climatic conditions and trends, and use of natural resources for subsistence and profit.