Cochiti Pueblo Brownfield Project
Tribe: Pueblo de Cochiti
Tribal Contact: Merrill Yazzie
Project Type: Conceptual Brownfield Redevelopment
Location: Pueblo de Cochiti
UNM Contact:Michaela Shirley
UNM Faculty:Ted Jojola

Project Summary:
The School of Architecture + Planning (SAAP) Architecture Program, Community and Regional Planning Program (CRP), and the Indigenous Design and Planning Institute (iD+Pi) will assist Cochiti Pueblo with the conceptual redevelopment plan of a brownfield site that is a former gravel mine pit. There will be design and planning assistance through two SAAP studios and will both happen concurrently during the Spring 2019 semester. Whereby, the Architecture Program will conduct a design studio that will focused on architectural programming of the site. Additionally, the architecture studio will conduct research on case studies of brownfield redevelopment projects related mining/extraction activity. The CRP Program will direct a planning studio that will focus on the community engagement comprised of the selected community stakeholders. Both SAAP studios will conduct the studios per the standard curriculum for SAAP studio courses. At the completion of the studios, the deliverable will be a final report which will be provided to the Cochiti Pueblo for their use in future community design concepts/planning. This is part of the Kansas State University Tribal Technical Assistance to Brownfields Program/Contract work.