Cañari Eco-Tourism Plan
Tribe: Cañari Indigenous Peoples
Tribal Contact: Jacinto Aguiaza Quizhpilema
Project Type: Indigenous Eco-Tourism Conceptual Planning
Location: Quilloac Kichwa Village, Cañar
UNM Contact:Michaela Shirley
UNM Faculty:Ted Jojola and Laura Harjo

Project Summary:
The word “Cañari” comes from “KAN” which means “snake” and “Ará” which means “macaw,” sacred animals which are linked to their origin myths. The myth of the macaws and the flood that led to the Cañari people is well known. The history of this village dates back to pre-Inca times and in its territory one finds many archaeological remains. One of the most important archaeological complexes is the Ingapirca Castle, where we also find the “Capak ÑAN” or the Inca trail that reached Cuzco. A summer planning studio, with a travel aboard component to Ecuador, was held in order to generate an indigenous eco-tourism conceptual planning document.